Leitwert collaborates with Cisco and University Hospital Basel to improve patient care

Use the Leitwert gateway and Device Hub solutions to transform your Cisco Access Points into a gateway network for medical wearable devices!

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In close collaboration with Cisco and the University Hospital Basel, Leitwert adapted its Device Hub platform for Continuous Patient Monitoring to make it compatible with Cisco Access Points.

Leitwert gateway software can now be deployed on an existing Cisco infrastructure using the Cisco DNA Center. Thereby, the complete network of Cisco Access Points turns into Bluetooth gateways to automatically read out vital data (e.g. heart rate, respiration rate, blood oxygen saturation) from medical wearable sensors worn by patients in the hospital.

A prototype of this system has been demonstrated successfully at the University Hospital Basel and will now be further validated. It provides a huge opportunity to improve patient care by:

  • Reducing the burden on healthcare professionals based on automated measurement of vital data compared to today’s manual spot checks at the bedside.
  • Reducing the burden on patients, who don’t have to be disturbed with routine health checks – especially during the night.
  • Providing more insights into the progression of changes in health status based on continuous data.
  • Detecting deteriorating patients earlier.

Especially for University Hospitals, this infrastructure also enables to gather raw-sensor data and vital data for Clinical Trials.

Check out this video from Cisco for more information as explained by Prof. Dr. med. Jens Eckstein:

Leitwert is very proud to work with such reputable partners on improving healthcare with digital solutions!

For more information on Leitwert solutions, visit our page on Continuous Patient Monitoring or contact us using the button below.

Here is the official press release from Cisco.

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