Privacy Policy of the Swiss NutriAct App

The Swiss NutriAct App is part of a multi-center clinical study.

  1. This study will be conducted in compliance with the protocol, the current version of the Declaration of Helsinki, the ICH-GCP, the Swiss-HRA as well as other locally relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
  2. The study protocol is approved by the local ethics committee.
  3. All study participants need to sign an informed consent form at the study center and will only be registered to the app once this has been completed.
  4. The data collected in this trial will be kept confidential. At each center the data and all corresponding documentation regarding the study, electronic and otherwise, will be kept in a controlled access area. Access will be controlled by the responsible clinical investigator.
  5. All data contained in the database is pseudonymised. A subject identification list will be maintained at each center. The pseudonym assigned to a subject will be a running number within the center.
  6. The data collected by the application (Swiss NutriAct) will be stored on a dedicated server in Switzerland and is kept in a controlled access area. Access will be controlled by the responsible clinical investigator. All data contained in the database of the application is pseudonymised.
  7. After completion of the data collection, the pseudonymised data from the application (Swiss NutriAct) will be transferred to secuTrial® by the study team and subsequently deleted from the server of the application.


    Prof. Dr. Miklos Pless
    Chefarzt Medizinische Onkologie, Departement
    Medizin, Kantonsspital Winterthur
    Brauerstrasse 15, 8401 Winterthur, Switzerland, +41 522 266 3640

The study has been published in a study registry on

Last revision: June 2021